Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness, has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine by introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. Dr. Jen is springing forward and now that April is around the corner, it is time to focus on being able to smell the flowers. Dr. Jen will share natural tips and tricks for being allergy free and breathing clearly!
Have you ever had a bad day and everything around you seems wrong? Just recently, I was having a conversation with someone and everything was bothering them. They were not feeling like their jovial self. It was at that moment that I recognized they were in their EGO. When I proposed they shift from their ego to their essence, they said, “I don’t know how!” I will share how to recognize when we are in our ego and how we can tenderly embrace our essence.
William Davis, MD, is a cardiologist and author of many books including the New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly series, UNDOCTORED, and his latest book called Super Gut! Many people do not know how Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can affect our body. Dr. Davis will share signs, symptoms, and how to naturally reverse SIBO. Also, I am so excited to share that Dr. Davis will be joining us for a 6-week Super Gut workshop teaching us how we can reprogram our microbiome, restore our health, and release weight in four weeks!
Did you grow up in an intact home, or did your parents get a divorce? According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for second marriages is even higher, with approximately 60-67% of second marriages ending in divorce. Author of Pathological Positivity, Paul Jenkins, PhD, is back to share how we as parents can achieve a child-centered home in a divided home.
Each year in the United States, about 264,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women and about 2,400 in men. About 42,000 women and 500 men in the U.S. die each year from breast cancer. Susan Wadia-Ells, PhD has a graduate degree in energy economics and political development and her PhD in women’s studies. She has spent a lifetime championing others. But when her best friend died of breast cancer, she became angry and wanted to research how to stop cancer! Susan will teach us how we can actively participate in Busting Breast Cancer and share Five Simple Steps to Keep Breast Cancer Out of Your Body.
When we hold on to past traumas, even when we ignore them and act as they never happened, it affects how we view others, our circumstances, and the world. How many times have you thought, “I’ve dealt with that” only to later find out that it is still affecting your health. Recall Healing expert Michelle LaMasa-Dawson, PhD, has helped us dive into the effects of emotions on the body. Dr. Michelle is back to discuss how emotions affect our heart.
As you know, the I AM the SOLUTION weekend workshop starts on 3/17 and runs through 3/19. I am really excited about all who have made the commitment to grow spirit, mind, and body. The I AM in us is always prompting us to be in our essence. What does that mean? Tapping into the I AM within may seem foreign to some. Since the virtual workshop is only a few weeks away, I want to share the steps of becoming the SOLUTION. (Space is limited… Register Today!)
While planning the I AM the SOLUTION Natural Health Summit, I met Chef Alex Cheblal of Vegan Wagon. In fact, Robert and I attended a Vegan Wagon event in West Palm Beach. It was phenomenal! During the summit, Chef Alex inspired us to create beautiful vegan meals that were easy to do. Since we want to feed “two birds with one seed,” I asked Chef Alex to encourage us to eat healthy and share how to create coherence in our lives.
Are you single and over 50? Have you given up on ever finding love again? Do you wonder how others have found love but believe love might not be for you? Treva Brandon Scharf is an ICF-certified life/dating/relationship coach and the author of Done Being Single: A Late Bloomer’s Guide to Love. Treva is an advocate for strong, independent women, a champion of empowered singles, and a voice for late bloomers everywhere. She will share how we can embrace love later in life.
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the approved methods doctors use to conventionally treat cancer. These methods are tough on the body and they only treat the symptoms. What if there was another way? Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy is the author of “The Cancer Revolution,” and the medical director of the Center for New Medicine and the Center for Healing in California. She will share how to have a Mind, Body, Spirit approach to treating cancer, naturally!
Would you like to find love and you happen to be over the age of 50? Are you tired of dating apps? Have you given up on dating? Well, you are in luck because Lisa Copeland is an internationally recognized love coach and author of The Winning Dating Formula For Women Over 50. She loves inspiring and teaching women how to feel confident, empowered, and joyful when dating after 50. Lisa will share tips on attracting a quality man.
With all the chaos and hate in the world, we need a change of perspective through the eyes of love! If you have ever experienced pain, disappointment, or loss and you have wanted to shut down your ability to reconcile or move on, it is time to shift your perspective about the miracles in your life. Author, Master Teacher, and world-renowned expert on a Course in Miracles, Carol Howe, will teach us how to transform conflict with love.
Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness, has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine by introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. It does not matter how much we do to improve our body, stress can affect us without knowing… but the body knows. Dr. Jen will share what happens to our body when we live in stress and what we can do about it.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to after this class. World renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, has been sharing evidence-based research about healing our bodies with a Nutritarian lifestyle. Do you consider yourself a healthy eater? But is it truly healthy or another fad diet? Did you know there are many things that we consider healthy that could be causing us health issues? Dr. Fuhrman will share the truth about our health!
There are certain days we acknowledge love. Valentine’s Day is the day all who love, share their love. Telling your loved one how you feel should be an everyday occurrence. Is it getting harder to tell your spouse you love them? Do you even love your spouse? Well, my husband, Robert, and I will discuss our keys to a loving relationship and how to create a marriage of three!
Linda L. Isaacs, MD, is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. She offers individualized nutritional programs for patients with cancer and other illnesses, as well as programs for health maintenance. She and her colleague, the late Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, worked together for more than twenty years, co-authoring articles about their results. Dr. Isaacs will be speaking at the Annie Appleseed Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference, February 25, 2023 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Isaacs will share how diet, supplements, and detoxification are ways to create optimal health!
Board-Certified cardiologist, Thomas Levy, MD, JD, has been a great teacher about the benefits of vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, and how toxins in the mouth can cause disease. The Roadmap to Health virtual workshop is available for us to learn from Dr. Levy online. With so many not recovering from the last virus, health concerns, and symptoms, it is so important that our practitioners learn how to best serve their patients or clients, especially those experiencing these medical situations. Dr Levy will share how invite our medical practitioners to his next virtual workshop, Optimal Treatment of Disease! Please invite your medical professionals to learn these natural protocols!
William Davis, MD, is a cardiologist and author of many books. The New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly series, UNDOCTORED, and his latest book called Super Gut! Dr. Davis wants to empower us to become “smarter than our doctor.” He will teach us how, in four weeks, we can reprogram our microbiome, restore health, and release weight!
I have said many times that our darkest moments in life are gifts to elevate us to that next level of excellence. These times define who we truly are and become our crowning moments… After surviving cancer, Ann Fonfa started The Annie Appleseed Foundation. Ann will tell us about the 2023 Annie Appleseed Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference in beautiful West Palm Beach on February 23-25, 2023! Ann will share her story of perseverance and hope.
When you think of a doula, you might picture a woman… Well, it is time to challenge that perspective! Tom Whitmire, CD, is a personal lifestylist, concierge health consultant, and certified doula (CD) who specializes in Fertility, Prenatal Nutrition Health, and Natural Birth. Although Tom will be the first to tell us that he has not assisted in a live birth, he will quickly state that he has helped many mothers prepare their bodies for an unbelievable delivery. Tom will share why a prebirth doula is essential along with the truth about birth that no one will tell us.
Why is it that some people are afraid to look within or at themselves? Do you ever think of your childhood, goals, or past failures? How do you deal with the unwanted thoughts of the past or fears about the future? I AM the SOLUTION virtual weekend workshop & Continuing Education for the Soul on March 17 - 19, 2023, is a safe place to unwrap, discover, and embrace every aspect of who we are. I will share how moving forward, while looking in the rearview mirror can harm our body, spirit, and mind!
When multiple people at different times asked me if I have ever heard of the author of The World Peace Diet, Will Tuttle, PhD, you take note. Then shortly after, when I find myself at an event with Dr. Tuttle as the main speaker, I paid attention! Dr. Tuttle has dedicated his life to addressing and making us aware of the dilemmas we face in life. He will share provocative, challenging, and ultimately inspiring ideas on how to we can all solve them.
I just recently had the pleasure of getting to know Jana Schmidt, ND, PhD. Dr. Jana is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors and the Naturopathic Director at Gold Care. Every time we meet, I learn something new. I am excited to introduce you to my new friend, so you too can learn New Truths from her. Dr. Jana will share the dangers of EMFs and how we are all feeling the Un-Seeable!
Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. As we get ready for the I AM the SOLUTION Natural Health Summit, and as Dr. Jen gets ready for her presentation there, we are reminded of the importance of being the solution in our lives. Dr. Jen will share how our lymphatic system can be the solution towards optimal health. *** To Save $24.00, USE DISCOUNT CODE: lilly001 ***
In May 2019, in preparation for my breast implant explantation surgery, I did an amazing 5-day water fast with Michael Klaper, MD, of TrueNorth Health Center. Alan Goldhamer, D.C. is the founder of TrueNorth Health Center, a state-of-the-art facility that helps individuals reclaim their health. I am thrilled to meet Dr. Goldhamer and I know, you will too. Dr. Goldhamer will share how to use a water fast as medicine.