Are you in an abusive relationship? Do you live in fear of upsetting your partner? Do you want to get out? Do you feel guilty of uprooting your family? Do you wonder how you will support your family? Have you pushed everyone away and now feel alone? If you are nodding "yes" for yourself or someone you know as you read the above questions, be silent no more! Anel Miller of The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program, will compassionately discuss how to leave the relationship and end the cycle of Domestic Violence!
As you all know by now, we are in the process of completing and recuperating from our move. Just like Exodus was a journey we all can learn from, everything in our lives offers many gifts and lessons… I will share the lessons I learned from this move about accepting change.
Rebecca Black & Kelli Bono, co-founders of Keep Me Safe Organics, are on a mission to keep toxins out of our beauty products. With all the shimmer and shine of the holidays, we lose sight that being glamorous can affect our health. Kelli and Rebecca are back to share how to achieve healthy beauty for the holidays.
The first time Lorraine Day, M.D, came to the radio show, I learned a lot about healing the body God’s way. Now, in The Classroom and through the New Truths Series: Book of Revelation and soon… the 50 Lessons from Exodus Bible study, she has become my “Jiminy Cricket,” and one of the voices in my head. Dr. Day is back to share why the BIBLE is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
As you know, the I AM the SOLUTION weekend workshop starts on 11/13 and runs through 11/15. I am really excited about all who have made the commitment to grow spirit, mind, and body. Since we still have one day before this EPIC event, I want to share a few surprises!
World renowned author David Icke has taken a stand on controversial topics. As a result, he has been banned from many social media platforms. Gladly, he keeps finding a way out. The last time David was in the classroom, we discussed his book, The Answer. He is back with not just answers, but as we get ready for my weekend workshop, we will talk about The Solution!
It may be common knowledge that you cannot patent things that are naturally occurring. While in lockdown, I came across information that revealed that viruses like Epstein-Barr Virus, Coronavirus, SARS, HIV, ZIKA, Ebola patent, and more, were patented. Mikki Willis, director of the movie Plandemic 2 introduced us to David Martin, PhD. David will join us to explain why these patents have affected us and why they are illegal.
Rebecca Black & Kelli Bono, co-founders of Keep Me Safe Organics, are on a mission to keep toxins out of our beauty products. But they are also on a mission to help people feel empowered. We will discuss how our setbacks can become our comebacks.
Judy Mikovits, PhD, author of “The Case Against Masks,” which gives us 10 reasons why mask use should be limited, Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis, Reinette Senum, all agree on this… That wearing a mask can have harmful side effects. Recently, I had some eye-opening experiences and I believe it is time to discuss how to be kind when you have a different perspective.
In August 2020, I introduced you to a man named “Pimpy.” (Actually, his name is Lee Freeman) and we spoke about NESARA. Many of you had lots of questions. Lee is back to answer them.
While filming the documentary “Signs of Humanity,” artist Willie Baronet met a homeless man named Eddie Dunn. That encounter created a forever transformative friendship. Willie and Eddie are back to update us on their journey together and they will share how the “WE ARE ALL HOMELESS,” a heART project, continues to change lives!
Harry Vox of Vox News has warned us of The Rockefeller Foundation’s Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development plans. He is back to share other plans that we must know about and what we can do about it!
Have you ever done something where shame and guilt have overcome you? Bestselling author of twelve books on personal development and international speaker on resilience and happiness Valorie Burton will share how to Let Go of the Guilt: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Take Back Your Joy!
After my blog was complete, posted, and ready for publishing, I learned that the teacher scheduled for this day had a family emergency. Instead of stressing about finding a new teacher, I decided to go with the flow and speak from my heart. There are many things that are happening in The Classroom and I thought God is giving me an opportunity to share them.
I have learned that everything has purpose. But what is the purpose of our trials? Ultimately, it is to get closer to God. But how? Jason Stephenson of Jason Stephenson Meditations has dedicated his life to understanding this paradigm. Jason and I will discuss how difficult times are God’s whispers to bring us closer to our creator God.
Unless you are completely detached from the internet, you have heard that many believe our current crisis was planned. Father and award winning filmmaker, Mikki Willis created the movies Plandemic 1 and Plandemic 2 to help us understand what is really going on. Mikki will share what we can do to help empower others towards this awareness.
Rebecca Black & Kelli Bono, co-founders of Keep Me Safe Organics, are on a mission to keep toxins out of our beauty products. They will share how to focus on your mission and create what you want to become.
Many of us want many things for ourselves but the majority are unwilling to do the work. When Michelle LaMasa-Schrader, PhD, was trained in Recall Healing, she knew she found her new passion. Dr. Michelle will share how Recall Healing can be the missing puzzle piece to understanding the underlying cause of your health issues.
How many times do you find yourself disgusted by something someone else wrote on Facebook? Perhaps they have the opposite perspective and they are ignoring the real facts. Chances are that someone else is viewing you the same way. Speaker and author of Honest to Greatness, Peter Kozodoy will teach us how we can be honest in a world full of shaming, fear, and hate while still being respectful.
David Icke is an world renowned English writer, public speaker, and former media personality best known for his views on what he calls “who and what is really controlling the world.” David has been sharing such controversial information, that those who oppose his message would love for you not to learn the fact that you hold all the answers within.
Since 2013, Lorraine Day, M.D, has been poking me in the eye but in a great way. She has helped convict my heart of some New Truths I did not know that I did not know. As I have been sharing, we recently launched the New Truths Series: Book of Revelation with Dr. Day and once again my heart was pierced to trust God even more! She is back in The Classroom to share a new way to look at The Ten Commandments.
As you know, I made a commitment to not do sports or politics in the classroom. But, for the last 5 months, I have been introducing you to a few controversial topics. Who knew health would become so combined with politics? Well, here we go again… Have you heard about NESARA/GESARA? What are they? Lee Freeman will share how NESARA will affect our nation and for us all.
Rebecca Black & Kelli Bono, co-founders of Keep Me Safe Organics, are on a mission to keep toxins out of our beauty products. They will share which chemicals and toxins are added or hidden in most beauty products. They will also share what we can do about it.
I have always said that when you are a doctor, your friends call when they are sick for free medical advice. (I am sure many professionals can relate.) As a certified life coach, I was taught to ask “permission” before offering suggestions or advice. But when you ask life coach and author, Gary John Bishop anything, you better fasten your seatbelt because you are going to get Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life, Stop Doing That Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand Your Life Back and Do the Work: The Official Unrepentant, Ass-Kicking, No-Kidding, Change-Your-Life Sidekick to Unfu*k Yourself! Gulp… I am looking forward to our conversation!?!