Thyroid disorders are among the most common medical conditions. However, because their symptoms often appear gradually, the condition is often misdiagnosed. Internationally renowned health coach and author of “Happy Healthy Thyroid,” Andrea Beaman, will share essential steps to healing naturally.
Health Coach & 21st Century Medicine Woman, Heather Dane, was a former high-powered corporate executive who suffered massive burnout. Heather took a radical career leap after spending many years investigating the cause of her myriad health problems. Now, she helps thousands who have given up on ever feeling normal. Heather is back to discuss low energy, adrenal fatigue, and other misdiagnosed health issues.
We raise our children to be independent. They grow up so fast and then they leave our home… It is our turn to benefit from the fruit of our hard labor and become “Empty Nesters!” There are times when this progression shifts and for different reasons, our children are not able to raise their own children. Thank goodness for organizations like Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Mary Sterling and Lillian Hobson will share how this support group is helping many cope with these demands.
I love highlighting people and organizations who are making a difference... Did you know that Daily Bread Inc. feeds over 93,000 meals per year to some of the most vulnerable people in society? The Director of Daily Bread Inc., Janet Price, will tell us about the work they do and how we can help them make a difference.
I have quoted Don Miguel Ruiz and his book, “The Four Agreements,” so many times I cannot count. Can you imagine growing up as the son of Don Miguel? Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of “The Mastery of Self," rebelled against his family until he experienced his own personal breakdown. Miguel will share how the veil was lifted so he could see clearly.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman is passionate about many things and takes nutrition seriously! He goes around the world sharing how G-BOMBS will change your life but it also changes the lives of your children. Dr. Fuhrman will teach us how to “Disease–Proof your child by feeding kids right."
3D technology has been associated with many things but have you ever associated it with dentistry? Drs. Chris Edwards and Rob Brown will share how 3D technology has revolutionized the way Smile Design & Wellness Center cares for its patients. I am so glad they are my dentists!
Many years ago “WWJD” bracelets were a part of our culture. Today, political correctness has grown to new levels. Author of “Politically Incorrect Jesus," Joe Battaglia, will contrast the intellectual dishonesty of political correctness and present Jesus as the model for embracing a counter-cultural faith. He will also share how to live boldly in a culture of unbelief.
Well, did you read my September article in the Florida Today? Hopefully, you had an opportunity to read it. My editor and the writer of “Daddy Duty,” Tim Walters, and I will dive into how to make a decision.
The last time Markus Rothkranz was on the show, he shared how we can heal ourselves. This time, he is back to share how we can stop candida overgrowth and balance our body, naturally.
Our children are our future and we need to protect their development. It is at an early age that their minds and bodies are established. This could determine their future health. Our favorite Integrative Pediatrician, Dr. Joseph Cannizzaro, MD, will share how we can prevent & reverse most childhood diseases, including the 4 A’s, (Asthma, Allergies, ADHD & Autism,) naturally.
Karen Murphy took a leap of faith 4 years ago when she walked into Transformations Medical Weight Loss Clinic. She not only released 35 pounds in 8 months, she has been able to keep her weight off since 2012. Karen will join Trey Stouffer, CEO of Transformations Medical Weight Loss Clinic and I, as she shares her journey.
Have you ever met someone that you had a real connection with only to lose their contact information? Then, randomly, a friend invites you to a nutritional event where the main presenter is that same individual you met six months prior? Well that is exactly what happened to me with Holistic Health Coach, Kim Kirschner, the founder of Willow Star Haven Charitable Foundation. There is a reason we met again and this time, you too will want her number.
The ancient Chinese sage Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Does this statement ring true for you? If you were not being paid at your job, would you do it for free? The Freedom Catalyst, Daniel Eisenman, is doing what he loves and he will teach us how we can to.