Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD, was featured in the documentary, Forks Over Knives. This documentary changed the way I view my responsibility for my health and nutrition. For over 23 years, Dr. Esselstyn has worked with people who were sent home to die from heart disease and given them hope and a new outlook on life. Dr. Esselstyn is a mentor to many Whole Food Plant Based physicians who have come on my show. He has lovingly traded his scalpel for sprouts. I am thrilled he is back to mentor us.
Every time Dr. Richard Horowitz, MD, is my guest, my cell phone rings constantly during the show. Dr. Horowitz is an expert on resistant Lyme and chronic disease and the author of “How Can I Get Better?” He is back and this time we are talking about allergies. Do you have allergies and do not know what to do about them or how to heal them? Dr. Horowitz will share how we can get better from our allergies.
Dr. Amanda McKinney is an OB/GYN with a passion for Lifestyle Medicine. She has spent the last seven years studying the medical science of nutrition and how lifestyle choices affect our health, the economy, and the environment. Dr. McKinney will teach us how lifestyle choices will improve how our body deals with and fights infections.
Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist and author of “The Wheat Belly” series of books. He has written a new book called “Undoctored.” Dr. Davis will join us to share how modern health care has failed us and what we can do to empower ourselves to become “smarter than our doctor.”
When I first stumbled upon Dr. Gill Weise, I had asked a pharmacist if they knew of any holistic pharmacies. She immediately said, “Oh Yes… Go to Weise Prescription Shop and Wellness Center.” I did not care the location, I wanted to learn more. As Dr. Weise gave me a tour, he showed me a license that hung on the wall of his pharmacy… There it was and it entitled Dr. Weise to dispense poison! Dr. Weise will share how we can heal without all those poisons!
When I focus on health and wellness, often, the information benefits women. Just recently I discovered Pablo Garcia… He is not only a Chef but he is an Interactive Health Coach who focuses on men’s health. Pablo will share effective tools to optimize your health so you can discover your true excellence.
Author of “The Plague,” Dr. Judy Mikovits, has done research and she has seen the detrimental side effects of vaccinations. She has documented evidence and has been on the front line of vaccine safety issues. She will share what the media and pharmaceutical industry will never tell us about the retrovirus in vaccinations.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? Bestselling author, speaker, and teacher, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, knows that many people’s idea on how to lose weight is to skip a meal… Does this describe you? The reality is that the less you eat, the slower your metabolism will get and the faster you will gain weight. It is time to change those limited beliefs. As always, Dr. Fuhrman will teach us how to end these destructive patterns and learn a new truth.
Food Sensitivities, Allergies, Digestive Disorders, Obesity, Depression, Panic Disorders, Anxiety, and Fatigue all have one thing in common…the gut and brain interaction. Emeran Mayer, MD, Ph.D., is a world-renowned gastroenterologist and neuroscientist with 35 years of experience. He will share how our gut and brain interact in health and in disease and how that interaction can control our behavior.
Guess what time it is? It’s Transformations Time! The last time the CEO of Transformations Medical Weight Loss clinics, Trey Stouffer, was on the show, he told us about his latest health scare. This scare resulted in a 15 pound weight gain. There are many weight loss success stories that have inspired Trey to continue his journey. Trey will share some of those success stories that have helped Transformations Medical Weight Loss clinics thrive.
With all the promoting of fast foods and the false information about what is needed to have a healthy body, many people are confused and do not know what to eat. For our children, good nutrition is critical to promoting a healthy future but now we are learning about increased childhood obesity, allergies, autism, skin conditions and more. Health Coach and Chef Andrea Beaman will teach us the truth about healthy nutrition for babies.
It has been a while since psychiatrist and orthomolecular scientist, Dr. Alice Lee, MD, has been on the show. She has helped many get off their psychotropic medication through healthy nutrition and supplements. Dr. Lee will share how she is helping facilitate this transition and warns us about the dangerous side effects of staying on and coming off these drugs.
Are you unintentionally committing suicide? Do you know someone who has given up hope of ever feeling healthy? Well then, it is time for a "lifestyle intervention” with Cardiologist, Dr. Columbus Batiste! Dr. Batiste will teach us how to become aware of what we are doing and empower us to prevent or reverse chronic disease.
Are you having a hard time getting started in the morning? Do you feel tired throughout the day and cannot make it without a shot of double expresso? Well it is time for a “pick-me-up” with America’s Energy Doctor, Dr. Jason Littleton. He will share how to choose the things that bring energy to our lives.
Most every pharmaceutical pill you take has a natural supplement that pretty much does the same thing without the horrible side effects. Orthomolecular Scientist, Dr. Andrew Saul, of Food Matters and That Vitamin Movie, will share how supplements can heal your body and reverse disease.
Why would Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Sudeep Taksali be aware of how a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle affects chronic & autoimmune diseases? Dr. Taksali will tell us about that and he will also share how a Whole Food Plant Based diet affects our bones?
Author, Chef, and Health Coach, Andrea Beaman has taught us how to heal from the inside out, nutritionally, and without toxicity. But what happens when we have been in an accident and are in horrible pain or we experience inflammation? Andrea is back to share how we can reverse, prevent, and manage pain with supplements and nutrition.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Teacher, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, believes that attaining long-term health and achieving permanent weight loss comes through healthy eating. Eating for health will eliminate heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and more. But what do we really know about our produce and our relationship with food? There are so many choices to make. Do we buy organic or conventional? What do we know about GMO and non-GMO? What about farmed raised vs. wild caught? Do we buy fresh or frozen? There is so much to learn and I am glad Dr. Fuhrman is back to guide us!
I am back from Maine and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz’s 7 Day Medical Intuition Training. The guest I had planned for today did not show up. (These things do happen from time to time.) Instead of airing a previously recorded show, I am taking the opportunity to share what I learned about how the chakra centers and our health are connected.
Do Alzheimer’s and Diabetes run in your family? Dr. Neal Barnard is a world-renowned New York Times bestselling author, an adjunct associate professor of medicine, a researcher, activist, and musician. He is also president of the physicians’ committee for responsible medicine and founder of Barnard Medical Center. Dr. Barnard will share how Alzheimer’s & Diabetes are related.
Once again, the documentary “Eating You Alive” has introduced me to a cardiologist. Dr. Andrew Freeman is making a difference teaching his patients the importance of a whole food plant based diet. He is also informing his patients about how dairy affects their heart, bones and body. Did you know that dairy consumption strips your bones of the nutrients they need to be strong? Dr. Freeman will teach us how dairy affects our body today and in the future.
Guess what time it is? It’s Transformations Time… Do you have nutritional goals but then, life happens? Do you have trouble keeping to your exercise routine when an accident or illness occurs? How can you still enjoy healthy eating when visiting a foreign place that has different nutritional values? Transformations Medical Weight Loss Clinics are committed to serving all your needs. Even their CEO, Trey Stouffer, has experienced his own recent surgery and weight gain… He will catch us up on his recent health crisis and update us on his journey to health.
Are you sick but cannot find any answers as to why? Have you been diagnosed with a condition but none of the treatments seem to help? Just recently, Dr. Richard Horowitz, MD, author of “How Can I Get Better?” came on the show. We had many callers and texters wanting to know more. So, Dr. Horowitz is back! Dr. Horowitz will share how heavy metals and environmental toxins affect our body. He will also teach us the steps to eliminate these toxins and get better.
Dr. Columbus Batiste has performed over 2000 coronary interventions and hundreds of pacemaker implantations. Although successful, he noticed that he was doing nothing more than moving patients through a revolving turnstile that leads to increased medication and recurrent procedures. He wants to break this cycle and promote a long-term solution. He will share how stress reduction, exercise, and nutritional stress affect our body.
Dr. Amanda McKinney is an OB/GYN with a passion for Lifestyle Medicine. She has spent the last seven years studying the medical science of nutrition and how lifestyle choices affect our health, the economy, and the environment. Dr. McKinney will teach us how lifestyle choices will improve brain function for our children and improve our health, including our reproductive system.