One of a parent’s greatest fears is discovering their little beautiful baby has an illness. This is exactly what Ryan Sternagel experienced when his 11-month-old son Ryder was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer. Ryan will share his journey of HOPE and how his son cured his cancer using The Stern Method!
Michael Klaper, MD, realized early in his medical career that what he learned in medical school just did not add up. An awakening in him caused him to question everything he believed to be true. He embraced nutritional medicine to help heal himself and his patients. Dr. Klaper will share the good, the bad, and the ugly about salt, sugar and oil.
In 2015, I was made aware that there were several holistic doctors missing, murdered, or committing suicide. Many were saying these mysterious events were coincidences and had no connection to each other. Erin Elizabeth, founder of Health Nut News, has made it her mission to investigate and report on every tragic death… Erin Elizabeth will update us on what she has discovered about these mysteries.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to after our show. World-renowned, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, will teach us the importance of moderate caloric restriction and how to achieve it. He will also teach us the secret to slowing down aging and extending life.
Years before doctors were learning a new truth about naturally healing the body, Joseph Mercola, DO, was already leading the trail. People who follow Dr. Mercola know that he is the voice of natural, functional, integrative, and holistic medicine. Dr. Mercola will share information from his book, Fat For Fuel, A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy.
When I first started looking into healthy nutrition, David Wolfe seemed to be the voice of health. He was featured in every documentary, including Food Matters, which was the first documentary I watched. Many years later, I am honored that this internationally renowned nutrition and natural beauty expert, farmer, advocate, teacher, and author will share tips from his latest book, “The Beauty Diet”!
Do you want to be healthy but your old eating habits keep tempting you? Then it is time to create a plan for success. Wellness coach Karina LaMalfa, will empower us as she shares 5 ways to crush your cravings!
Chef Dawn Ludwig has devoted her career to helping people discover the fun, beauty, and delicious taste of natural foods. Dawn’s passion is guiding families to incorporate better foods into their everyday lives. Chef Dawn is back, and she has done it again… more delicious recipes from her new cookbook, “Always Delicious.” Who wants to win a free copy of the book? Listen & Text or Call!
Guess what time it is? It’s Transformations time! Many of us have different styles and preferences but when it comes to releasing weight, what is best for you? We are getting to that time when our New Year’s resolutions have flat out failed and it is time to make a plan. Trey Stouffer, CEO of Transformations Medical Weight Loss Clinics, will motivate us back to health.
Do you have diabetes? Do you think diabetes was inherited from your family? World-renowned, New York Times bestselling author, professor, researcher, activist, and musician, Dr. Neal Barnard, is back to bring us hope. Dr. Barnard will share recipes from his new “Cookbook for Reversing Diabetes,” without drugs, that will also help prevent this needless disease. It is time to take our health back!
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the approved methods doctors use to conventionally treat cancer. These methods are tough on the body and they only treat the symptom. What if there was another way? Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy is the author of “The Cancer Revolution,” and the medical director of the Center for New Medicine and the Center for Healing in California. She will share how to heal prostate and uterine cancer, naturally!
Finally, after waiting for over a year, I get my wish… You have heard me speak about Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the documentary, “Vaxxed,” which opened my eyes to the corruption of the CDC. Dr. Wakefield’s story is one of courage and determination. He will join us to share why he lost his medical license for asking the CDC to investigate the safety of the MMR vaccine.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to after our show. World-Renowned, New York Times Bestselling Author, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, will teach us how we can create the most favorable microbiome and why we should care about bacteria.
The documentary “Eating You Alive” had its national debut in April. Since then, a lot has happened… The Lillian McDermott Radio Show and Jax Vegan Couple started the Healthy Eating and Living “HEAL” Tribe and lives are being transformed. I asked Co-producer Merrilee Jacobs to update us on how this documentary has brought awareness to healing through a Whole Food/Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle.
With so many advances in technology, why are so many people sick, anxious, and depressed? Even people who have experienced sadness in their lives are placed on antidepressants? Why is that? Is there another way to treat these symptoms? Norm Shealy, MD, PhD, will share how to heal fatigue, anxiety, and depression, naturally.
Our next topic on “Integrated Seniors” is death and dying! My co-host Tim Ray, founder of United Intentions, and l, will have a discussion with spiritual teacher, international speaker, and New York Times best-selling author of “Saved by the Light,” Dannion Brinkley. He survived a near-death experience. Now, it is his mission to help change the cultural consciousness regarding death and dying. Are you afraid of death and dying? Dannion will share why he believes there is no such thing as death!
While attending a conference I learned of a DNA company that is doing something different than the other companies in their industry. DNAlife is not only helping patients learn which drugs and nutraceuticals are best for them, they are also teaching doctors how to read the DNA test results. By doing this, they are educating medical professionals on how to use the results to help their patients achieve maximum health. We are not a victim of our DNA. It is time to use our DNA results to help prevent disease.
Cancer coach, Elyn Jacobs is a two-time breast cancer survivor who refused to heal her body in the conventional way. Elyn is back and will share about her cancer research journey leading her to become aware of the connection between cancer and Epstein Barr Syndrome.
I have received many requests to do a show on how to heal from candida. Fortunately for us, Health Coach and Chef, Andrea Beaman is back to inform us about the signs and symptoms of candida and share how to end its overgrowth.
Are you on antidepressants or any mind-altering medications? Are you thinking about taking a psychotropic medication? Alice Lee, MD, ABIHM, is a holistic and integrative psychiatrist practicing in Maryland. She combines nutritional medicine (orthomolecular psychiatry), energy medicine, and other alternative therapies in the treatment of mental health conditions. She will teach us how supplements can be more effective than a pharmaceutical drug.
Brooke Goldner, MD, was featured in the documentary, “Eating You Alive.” She is not only as a wonderful doctor, but she is a patient as well. Dr. Goldner will share how changing her lifestyle changed her life and reversed her diagnosis of lupus.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to after our show. World Renowned, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, will teach us how to achieve moderate caloric restriction. He will also teach us the secret to slow aging and extending life. We will be giving away his book, “The End of Dieting”!
Do you want to H.E.A.L.? Then join our Healthy Eating And Living Tribe. The next meeting for the First Coast is 5/23/18 and for the Space Coast, it is 5/30/18. Joining me to share about these events is Safura Osmani of the Jax Vegan Couple. We will discuss how we are taking our health back!
In 2013, I watched a documentary featuring Orthomolecular Scientist, Dr. Andrew Saul, called Food Matters. I immediately reached out to Dr. Saul. During our interview, Dr. Saul shared how I could get off my asthma medications by using vitamin C. For the past five years, the asthma (no longer “my”) has been under control. Almost every pharmaceutical pill you take has a natural supplement that pretty much does the same thing without the horrible side effects. How do we know which is the best one? Dr. Saul will help us pick the right supplement.