Jennifer Gramith, ND, CLT, of Rightway Health and Wellness has taught us all about the lymphatic system, dealing with emotions, and the importance of a balanced mindset. She has helped us cleanse our Gallbladder/Liver and taught us about the latest in energy medicine introducing us to tools like EVOX and ZYTO. Dr. Jen is always bringing us timely, life-changing information… Now that fall is almost upon us, many are fearful of getting sick. She is back to encourage us to build our immune system and to teach us natural prevention strategies for cold and flu season.
Have you had your G-BOMBS today? If you haven’t, you will want to do so after this class. World renowned, New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman, MD, has been sharing how we can reverse and prevent disease with a Nutritarian lifestyle. The world has made it acceptable to eat junk during celebratory events. At these events you will find many desserts that people are literally dying to eat. Sugar is very addictive and can lead to many kinds of diseases. Dr. Fuhrman will make us aware how sugar affects us and will share how we can end this cycle of addiction and stop sugar cravings.
When I think of dentistry, I think of prevention through dental care. But it was not until I met Claire Stagg, DDS, that I learned that oral care goes beyond the mouth. It is amazing to me that dentists have not figured out that the mouth is connected to every aspect of our health. I started treatment for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder. And I can see how having TMJ has caused other symptoms in my body. What is the truth about oral health? Dr. Stagg will share how our oral health can, if ignored, lead to many diseases. Click the hyperlink to get her book Smile, It’s All Connected! Whole Health Through Balance.
John Silva, DC, has expanded how he is making a difference in his clinic by helping his patients understand neurologic disorders and how neurofeedback can help. He has also helped me with the way I have been feeling. Neurofeedback has given me clarity. It has helped me achieve some special goals, like becoming a certified holistic health coach. You may not have any cognitive issues. You may not need to improve your sleep or memory. You may not need help to become more calm, alert, and focused. But neurofeedback training can help us all improve from wherever we are. I will share my journey with neurofeedback and Dr. Silva will share how neurofeedback can help rewrite our brain.
Health Coach, Author, and Chef, Andrea Beaman has helped many heal their body as naturally as possible. Andrea has devoted her career to helping people discover the fun, beauty, and delicious taste of healthy foods. Her journey began with her own thyroid health crisis. Today, she combines all her research and experience to empower us. Andrea is back to teach us how to use our kitchen as a pharmacy and how we can use culinary herbs as medicine.
As I have shared, I have learned to live in my 90-year-old mother and 93-year-old father’s world. As they get older, their needs are very different. I cherish the moments I have with them. During our time together, I have developed my own set of tools in how I cope with their declining health and honor them in their need. I am grateful to board certified geropsychologist, Natali Edmonds, PsyD, founder of Dementia Careblazers, who shares trustworthy information and support for people dealing with someone with dementia. Natali will share the best tools we can use for the tough times our loved ones are going through.
We hear experts say, “This fat is good for you!” Then other experts say the complete opposite… Well, which is it? And where can we verify this kind of information? Udo Erasmus, PhD, unfortunately experienced pesticide poisoning and became very ill. With possible cancer and death to look forward to, he became serious about healing naturally. He used his background in science and learned a lot about health and nutrition. Udo will share which are the Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill and the benefits and consequences of both.
Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D. was a speaker at the Annie Appleseed Project conference. I loved her no nonsense approach to cancer. Dr. Nalini has a passion to help those with cancer. It started with her parents’ cancer diagnosis. She is also the founder of Integrative Cancer Answers. Dr. Nalini will share ways that we can outsmart cancer.